Thread: Buying Used
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Old 09-08-08, 10:18 AM   #3
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Default Re: Buying Used

I have bought two bikes unseen on eBay, but if they were not as described (And they were both accurate) I would have been prepared to walk away and argue about contract, bad feedback etc..

I have also been to see bikes, arranged the appointment, got as far as walking up their drive, seen the shed of a bike and not bothered knocking. Morel here, is that some people are less than honest about their descriptions. so never hand over money unseen.

Firstly, when looking at a bike, I tend to look at is cosmetics, scratches/scrapes etc. Replacement panels/tanks etc cost a fortune and I want a bike that is right.

Next, I look at maintenance, best indicator is chain/sprockets, if these show excessive wear for the mileage, you know the owner is not lubricating/caring for the bike. If worn, but right for mileage, knock off £120. Look at tyres. If worn, knock off £200. Brakes especially an SV could be very expensive if not maintained.

Tip before a test ride. check tyre pressure. I had one that felt horrid and I turned round after 50 yards. and got the seller to put some air in. only 5psi and a bloody great nail.

Lack of a service history does not bother me. If I a confident the owner was a competent mechanic.

But at the end of the day, any doubt, walk away. Also make sure you see the bike at the address on the V5. If you let them smell the money in order to drive down cost. make sure they have not got a couple of hoodies hanging abpout wanting to take a few grand off you etc. IE. Be careful/sensible where you show cash
Not Grumpy, opinionated.
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