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Old 20-08-08, 10:45 PM   #11
Da Cake Boss
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Default Re: Massacre Memories

Filtering through Glasgow, its the filtering capitol of the world. I can't believe we got 12 bikes through there. I thought i couldn't squeeze through, until I saw the Pingu's bike in my mirror with all their gear on the sides

Giggling girls in the wigwam

the left hand bend into the oyster stop, and looking down at the speedo me shouting in my helmet
Get in there, mwahahahaha I wouldn't have taken that bend as fast as that usuallly

Leaving the oyster stop and two markers blocking both sides so 50 bikes could fly out of the carpark
Which leads me onto how to get a gaggle of bikes through temp lights....Pete n Lissa block the first car in the line, everyone squash in front 1,2,3, green off we go, Pete n Lissa follow the last bike as the lights change and the poor car driver is still standing at the red light...class

I got air....woooooo

Myself and Appollo sharing my bottom clenching moment with a caravan and an oncoming car.....we both thought It was toooo close

some giant had been playing marbles with the boulders over the moors

I hugged Northwind....a lot
I hugged Kilted Ginger.... a lot

meeting a lady who lives two streets up from me staying at the campsite.....

The mini's on the way back over the Erskine bridge..there wasn't just one or was like the invasion of the minis.....hundreds. I thought I'd got ver ytired and was seeing things..until Mr. UKI pointed it out too!

The dead duck sat on the glass cabinet in the Drovers I'm sure it were going to peck my hands off, it felt and looked sooo real

Pete n Lissa decided to have the Duc at the Drovers on saturday night.....and missed the 10.30 noise curfew...hearing the bike bwooooooaaarghhh as they missed the entrance to the site, and riding back down the valley was amazing......don't think the old couple in the chalet will have been amused by the noise at midnight....tut

Did i mention how fast I rode....bloody hell my bikes never seen 110, while I've had it

I now feel warm and fluffy inside
Suzy, yellow 2001 SVS. Kitty, V-Raptor 1000, ZZR1400<<its my bike now Pegasus!

Hovis 13.8.75-3.10.09 Reeder 20.7.88-21.3.12

Last edited by dizzyblonde; 20-08-08 at 11:22 PM.
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