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Old 21-08-08, 02:25 PM   #18
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Massacre Memories

Seeing Pete n lissa, Fizz, quiff, the pingu,s, Tilt, weeble, seggons and Rick on the M6 from the A49 bridge in Warrington and attempting to join them, and not catching up with them despite ragging the ar$e off my bike for the next 75 miles

meeting YC, miss YC, Melody, Dizzy, charlie 13 and danielle in Kendal

getting to put a load of names to faces on fri and sat night

becoming aquanted with about 8 billion midgies

my lost 4 hrs

becoming convinced I was going to drop it on the bridge on the way in to to the campsite, and then dropping it in the car park

for some reason, tickling the bears chin everytime I went into the drovers to use the loo

hearing a group of strangers shouting out my name as I was at the bar in the drovers and wondering how the hell they knew me despite wearing a t shirt with my name emblazened across the front and back

filtering through Glasgow

Getting the 'salute' as rode past the drovers on the way home

nearly dropping the bike again after slipping on diesel at Southwaite and being rescued by quiff, thanks mate

But mostly, it was just nice to be made so welcome by a bunch of new mates, roll on 2009, and a lowered seat, lowered bike , built up boots etc...

Last edited by stewie; 21-08-08 at 03:35 PM.
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