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Old 30-08-08, 09:30 AM   #1
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Default Riding without a clutch.

Well, I just thought I'd raise this controvesial subject again. Some people are very adverse to riding without a clutch (extra wear on gearbox being the prime concern).

Last night, I decided to have a little detour on the way home after work. About half way around my detour, the clutch popped. The next time I pulled the clutch level (as a test, not when it was needed), I had "flappy-clutch-lever" syndrome.

Pulled over at the side of the road, and purposefully stalled it, then put it in neutral. Called home to let the one who must be obeyed know what had happened, then got the toolkit out & gaffer taped the flapping end of the cable to the instrument panel.

Bike into neutral, engine running, push it along the road... droped into first gear & away we go.

The rest of the ride home (about 12miles of it, with a mix of traffic lights, roundabouts, junctions etc) was done pretty much as normal - except I was planning ahead to make sure I didn't have to stop.

Riding without the clutch (when you have one) may wear the gerabox quicker, but without that knowledge, I'd of been waiting for a breakdown recovery truck (and we all know they'd of sent the wrong truck as the bike would of needed a trailer). Instead of waiting 2hours for the right truck, I was home in 20mins.

Clutch cable is now ordered from Robinsons Foundry (thanks "Tim in Belgium" - your thread from May gave me the link), and I'll be fitting it as soon as it arrives.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained IMO.

(PS. Mods, wasn't sure about this threads location... feel free )
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