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Old 08-09-08, 07:50 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default TVSF Camping err night.

The start of the evening

Yeah yeah, the taking a picture of you taking a picture of me thing going on.

Some people have no taste at all.

Err, dark out there.

The BBQ turns up at last. I mean Jon turns up at last.

Along with Stu.

So the BBQ is started. Let there be fire.

Jon has wet himself and Sarah is so not impressed.

What's the joke

Someone didn't make sure their sleeping bag stayed dry. Only the most important thing to keep dry when going camping.

Sophie clearly trying not to laugh at what ever it is Nick is showing her.

The height of fashion.

The offender. No suprise there then.

After everyone had already pigged out on chips, the sausages finally get grilled.

How to create an excessive amount of smoke.

Darren finally turns up. With his famous jelly tent.

Adrian making something err nice.

Sausage feast.

Burning the forest. Stricktly forbidden of course.

The resulting smoke haze.

And Sarah expressing her displeasure of being smoked.

Regardless, the sticks continue to go on.

That is until the fire ranger turns up.

It was about this time that I felt decidedly hammered and sloped off to find my nice warm and dry sleeping bag.
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