Thread: Books.
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Old 09-09-08, 08:45 PM   #1
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Default Books.

As a sort of follow on from the big bang thread, and as I'm interested and hopefully starting an apprenticeship in bike mechanics later this year, I think it's a good idea to do some reading and try and learn a good deal of stuff about bikes and engines.
What books would you recommend?

Ideally I'd buy an engine to take apart and butcher, but I can't afford that on top of other things, so that's not an option (yet)

I'd like to learn how an engine works, first I'd need a basic understanding, but a deeper knowledge wouldn't be beyond me. And then tuning..
I'm more interested in tuning than suspension, and can see myself going in this direction at some point after the apprenticeship is over.

This might be a stab in the dark, but cna you help me?
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