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Old 25-09-08, 09:23 AM   #49
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Default Re: px/swap my tl 1000 for a curvey??

Originally Posted by Luckypants View Post
What an arrogant statement.

What bike Plowsie gets when his restriction comes to an end is his business. I know Plowsie runs his bike as daily transport and as a result has plenty of 'experience' of real world all weather biking. If he feels he wants a TL then who are we to say 'no'?
Arrogant? How? Im commenting from my experience. Sharing this is not what id call arrogant. If plowsie wants one then what I say wont mean jack. All I am saying is that I wouldn't go from one day riding a 33bhp SV to a full fat TL. Id at least want the exp with the full fat SV, see if I like that first. I did that and im sure I benefited from it.

Im sure going from my limited SV to the falco streight off would have been scary and I wouldnt have been able to get as much from the falco as I have been able to without the full power SV.

For anyone who thinks im being a **** then know that I practice what I preach!

I did about 10K miles on a clapped out VT250 (Honda) then went to the SV for the last 1/2 year of restriction in which I did about 8K miles, I then de restricted it for another 17K miles over the following year and a bit. Next I got the Falco and have done another 10K miles since then.

Last edited by ThEGr33k; 25-09-08 at 09:26 AM.
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