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Old 27-11-08, 06:31 PM   #1
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Default When do you want it?

Due to circumstances the vote on when will be short and sweet. For different reasons this year the planning has started some what later than it normally does. For other reasons that will become apparent shortly, the voting will period will also be reduced in time, and finally the actual dates are also limited, again, reasons why will become apparent.

So the poll. It will run for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, the date with the most votes wins and that will be the date for AR09.

Be aware, you can vote for more than one date but you can only do it once. So take your time, check the dates and then vote for as many of the dates you can attend or just the ones you would prefer.

The location will follow as soon as I can confirm. If anyone knows of a UK held (BSB WSB) motorcycling event being held over one of the weekends I will add it to the poll options for that weekend so everyone who wants to attend that event will know not to vote on it.

Pass the word the poll is running. We need to make as many people aware in the quickest possible time to make sure we get a good percentage of people voting.