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Old 18-12-08, 10:43 AM   #1
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Default Police Camera Action...

dunno if any of you peepers caught it last night, quite moving in places. they covered the case of Luke McCormick, the Plymouth Argyle goalkeeper who killed two lads pi$$ed up on his way home from a wedding. they played a 999 call from the first on the scene, he was describing the state of the car and the occupants. quite awful to listen to.

they also showed CCTV footage of McCormick at time of learning he'd killed at least one child. That too was quite hard to watch. No i've no sympathy for his jail sentence (he got 7 years), but the awful realisation of what he'd done was quite horrible.

to my main point....

they had half a dozen guinea pigs in, people who were helping out, not the rodents, who were self confessed drink drivers. they asked them to drink what they'd normally consume before driving home then they'd breathalise them as they left the lass drunk 6 or 8 (i forget which) malibu and cokes her breath specimen - using state of the art kit provided by John Q Law - came up 4mg!! legal limit being 35mg. Another chappie drunk 5 pints and had a reading of 31mg, again under the limit.

Their angle on it was "you just never know what your limit is so don't take a chance.." but from what i can see other less erm, intelligent, people will watch it and think hey i can drink 5 pints and drive and i'll be alright...

anybody else see it and come to similar conclussions?
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