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Old 08-02-09, 08:47 PM   #9
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Building your own website

I fail to understand why people don't stick to what they're good at, and outsource everything else.

Instead of writing a page (or a few pages) then hosting it somewhere, all of which will take time (and time costs money); why not use a pre-built solution?

What I'm thinking, is that there are dedicated hosts, and you can simply click a button to install applications that will let you host a photo. These applications can be customised as you see fit pretty much, dependant on your knowledge or the availability of anyone that knows more.

For example,, if you sign up for a basic account, it'll cost you a couple of pounds per month tops. The software is then free, and there's no further charges unless you want something extra, or you need more space, or more transfer per month.

Using somewhere like godaddy, you could go from nothing, to owning a domain name, having webspace for that domain name, database backend and have the ability to upload/view photo's within about 10mins. The DNS propagation for the domain name may take a little longer, but recently it's only been about 30mins for me.

If you're interested in a solution like this, post back, and I can give more specific details.
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