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Old 18-02-09, 11:02 AM   #1
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Default Thinking of planning a sunny midweek hoon

OK I live in Chorley so if others would be interested Rivvy would be the start.

get your map out and follow route

Over Rivington to Belmont
Though Abbey Village, Hoghton, Salmesbury, Ribchester, Hurst Green, Waddinton, Newton, Slaidburn, Keasdon, Devils bridge.

Then leg 2

Devils - Kendal, over shap to Penrith, over hartside to Alston, down to
Middleton in Teasdale, Brough, Kirby Stephen. then to Hawes

Do I go towards Muker and the wrong way over buttertubs or the easy way via grisdale?

Leg 3

Hawes, Ribblehead, Ingleton, Devils, then Arkholme, Caton, over Quenmoor, Oakenclough, Inglewhite, Longridge, Ribchester - home.

I need to drop this into google maps etc to work out the milage, but guessing about 300.

Would anyone be interested in joining me on this in a few weeks. Devils makes convieient meet/leave points and also close to M6 M61 etc.

There is in this quite a bit of long empty bendy road, It is likely to be a long day and sore on the posterior. But what the heck.

Does this sound like a plan?
Not Grumpy, opinionated.
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