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Old 16-04-09, 07:41 PM   #3
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Default Re: GM II route to consider...

I'm a bit worried about length... We ended up chopping a big chunk off the ride last year, though luckily it was the worst bit But we were still late back to the site. Largely because of all the chaos on the day of course... But my instinct last year was to have a big route and make it a big day, and I think I was wrong. Or at least, bit off too much.

The left hand loop is absolutely class I think... For me, it's the basis of the ride, it just works so well, no mile munching, just miles of good and great road. And some great touristing too. But it's not easy to add bits to it, because once you go north or east, making a loop gets harder.

Here is 185 miles and about 4 hours of solid riding, by my estimate. Plus lunch and stops. It throws in the wibbly wobbly road but still doesn't hit the duke's, which I'd like to personally but it's a diversion. It's a sort of sadder option since it's that much more limited but if we assume a 10am start, hour for lunch, 2 30 minute breaks (including fannying around time), and that's a 4pm finish even barring disasters. It's a much more manageable distance for numbers but still gets in most of the highlights.

Just another option of course, actually I reckon the thing to do here is throw in all the options, all mapped out with distances, so we can have a big fight over them when we meet up to finalise it
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