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Old 16-05-09, 06:55 PM   #29
Dicky Ticker
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Default Re: Daytime MOT - Police view

I am not talking about cosmetics but changing major parts and notifying your insurance company you have done this.
e.g. Changing front forks and modifying the yoke or fitting a different swing arm,your insurance company may not accept this done by a private individual,unless a qualified engineer has approved it.
Many people make such changes and leave themselves open to the insurance companies making their insurance void in the case of an accident if the insurance engineer finds modifications that haven't been approved
A prime example being my last tumble,I am an engineer[ONC] but had to take the bike to a dealer after repairing it all myself to get it "Signed off" before I was insured to ride it again.
Possibly I am being a bit OTT on the legal side of things but I have 40years experience of plant and transport engineering and know of the loopeholes that insurance and vehicle inspectorate can use to have you prosecuted or as a get out.
Even using the wrong type of nuts and bolts is enough.
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