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Old 18-05-09, 11:27 PM   #83
Quiff Wichard
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Default Re: AR Marking Discussion

well. I have read this with interest. dont want to preach to the converted- most contributors tothis thread are experienced and know orgers..

I am concerned though that it might put off new folk from coming to an AR ... so I throw me 2 p in.. it is scary your first AR sometimes your first ever group ride,and it does make you feel a "proper biker" bein on a biking break in a big group, all the more reason to have established systems in place and not random markers.

I DO NOT want to mark ta.. I aint "workin" on my weekend off.. (oh I dont work anyway but thats beside the point)

to me I always assume- and me been on 4 AR's now.. that the usual suspects will mark junctions.. that being local knowledge folk and then Sid, Spidey, bear , jambo, Raf, Grinch etc etc.. not because they are better than anyone else although allhighly competent I might add.. but because they are indeed fluid, organised and ride together all the time and know each others moves and styles.. it does tak some competence and indeed confidence to get back to the front and "make progress" whilst not appearing to "hoon" and look like you having fun or indeed buzz a less experienced rider on a first AR and put them off forever.

NOW, although these guys are crazyand zany and up for a larrrf.. they are totally serious where and when needed and mature and responsible when Marking.. As we are now in their Manor... I am assuming it will be the usual guy who mark. and I for one am happy with that because it dos givemea "safe" and warm feeling seeing the high vis vests sweep past me and mark the junctions and knowing that they WILL get back to the front so there is always a high vis at a corner..

As competent a rider as I am.. I would not want to force myself upon them (well maybe on bear hmm mmm ) demanding to be a marker because I need to Willy Wave because I believe it would be detrimental and upset the balance.. these guys do the job and do it well..
wait n see if you not been before- we all gassing faggin laughing before hanf but somehwere you will see the high vis in a gropu with Sid or similar briefing them .. we enjoy they prepare.. then we split into smaller groups of 5 or ten with one marker to give us a more intimate brief and ensure ALL understand the system before we set off -

It works.. it always has.. why change it.. I fully appreciate the responsibility in being a Marker and to me that far outweighs the "perceived prestige" ... for me it would detract from my day to have that reponsibility and so I abdicate responsibilty to those who are better at it than me.. maybe with Maturity (ok old age) one can begin to be a little more humble and accept that some things others are better at..

Howoften have you been on a rideout and a couple of fools have turned up that you knwo you dont like riding with or indeed some folks you have never ridden with so you decide hmmm not today ... well these markers need to ride with folks they know and trust and have faith in.. I tell you now, I am not slow.. but I am amazed when I see spidey or bear or a n other marking a junction then within 3 mins I see then inmy mirror move over and they pas me- safely- and mark another junction - they are competent and safe. and thats what you need.. what we dont need are in pack none markers hoonin all over NOT in high vis - sense and sensibility willmake for a great day ... A fire sat night a beer or ten - stories and tales and evetyone safe with all bikes undamaged that is what makes a good AR ... The Freedom and the friends. ..(with the odd naked Grinch thrown in)

Ride safe, ride strong you high vis protectors of my safety and progress for you are the epitomy of southern shandy drinkers .. xx

apologies if that upsets anyone , but thats how I see it .. and to me at the end of the day its Messie and others who have organised it and I feel it is so eay to chip in with I want that we want this, the markers are integral.. we are a hell of a lot of bikes getting a hell of a lot of attention public and police .. so to appear structured is a due dilligence that in my opinion needs a team that is planned etc as above and not a finger in the air scenario .....

and anyone who feel sthey are gettin "buzzed" maybe look in the emirror- literally. I would hazard a guess you didnt even know the marker was appraching cos you didnt check your mirror- you know these guys are coming its inevitable.. so be aware.. see them let them know you seen them and move over left just an inch and they know they can pass you ... and they pass you at speed of course- but safe and wide where possible.. andalso.. look forward if you see them coming anticipate ahead.. do you see the pack closing up.. do you need to leave a gap so you dont hang them out to dry.. I actually get an enjoyment from watching the markers cut through the pack and achieve progress that I could only dream of.. but I appreciate the skill and judgement. not condone the action , as it is , in this case a neccessary action on the day.

that is all.
ooops I did it again ... new bike . cb1000r

Last edited by Quiff Wichard; 18-05-09 at 11:56 PM.
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