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Old 10-07-09, 07:40 PM   #6
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Default Re: Triumph spares in London?

Good grief.....that poor bloke was stuck with just my usual babbling to keep him company all day

We finally got a repairer out to him (cos he didn't have any tools with him, and nor did I, but it may not have helped much anyway) at about 6.30.

The funny thing is, the guy who broke down comes into London for work every now and then, and last time he did the trip, his workmates came down in a van, and he came by bike, then teased them about how much faster it was to do the journey on two wheels (you just know how much they are going to their own back after his impromptu 7 hour rest stop ).

The guy who came out is a friend of Jim's (from The Cavalry) and does a bit of roadside repairing (bikes and cars, and even lorries), but is also a recovery guy. He is on call virtually round the clock (unlike Jim who is daytime only), so I said I'd post his number on here in case anyone ever needs their bike recovered/repaired.

His name is Brian, and his contact number is 07956 232524.
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