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Old 11-08-09, 08:37 AM   #1
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Default its that charging issue again :)

Ok folks i have a strange problem. (no not that one one with my bike) Bike is fine. Running fine etc etc. However for the hardy bikers run i fitted heated grips. So yup that old chestnut!

Nowthen after the run on that day the bike was layed up and when it came to start it the following day it struggled. Nothing thorght of it till a couple of months later (theres a thread on here somewhere) when after a run i came back. Parked it up on the Sunday and on Monday morning it wouldn’t turn over. So i took a look at the reg rec and battery and everything and in the end replaced the battery.

Everything was fine and dandy after that and i hadn’t been on many long runs or been using my headlight much (its summer) everyhtings been fine with the bike and its coped with the 4 mile commute just fine and the odd run out.

So comes the ar09. I think ill pop the fuse back in the heated grips for the run down and as its going to be a long run its going to be fine charging the battery isn’t it? Well i didn’t use the grips once and after about 50 miles i lost all the clocks as i pulled up to a round about. It started with the rev counter switching on and off to my indicators. Then as i hit the brakes i lost the lot! Not really impressed.

Went to the next services and with the help of leedsmatt managed to bump it. Pulled the fuse on the grips and after another 80 miles or so the battery was charged and could restart the bike as normal. Strange hey?

So i got to thr ar and everyone i spoke to said aye its the regrec. Ive ordered one off ebay and fitted it but just thought i would test them to see how different they are. At 5krpm with the lights on theres only 0.2v between them (old one was 13v new 13.3v). So im actually thinking its nothing to do with the regrec but why would the grips stop my battery from charging? The output from the alternator is a healthy 70+v and the resistance is about 0.9ohms. nothing going to ground.
Soooo i looked at the current leakage with nothing connected its about 1mA (just above) with the alarm its about 2.4mA ok thats to be expected. With the heated grips plugged in but not running its 10.4mA However again i can see why this would drain the battery as its stood but all the problems i get are after the bike has been run.

Im stuck. I know i can just leave the grips off but winter is coming soon (ok its not) but i would like them on. So whats up with it? What can i test?
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