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Old 27-11-09, 10:00 AM   #9
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Default Re: crashes exiting edwinas??

The trouble with slow in at Edwinas is that in a race you just get done on the brakes everytime so it may not be the best thing to do for the exit but you need to brake late and the entry speed you can carry in i have found is unbelieveable! Then just park it mid corner so the guy behind cannot get a run on you coming out, once you have got a bit of space between you and the next guy you can smooth things out and take the ideal line. But to answer the question crashing at Edwinas is very easy to do, you regularly see people run straight on, ( i did this when they first added Edwinas ) or lock the front and crash on the way in, usually because they panic and can't believe they can make the corner, then loads of exit crashes both high and low side, better off without it and go back to the esses proper now that was fun.

Last edited by Dickyholdsworth; 27-11-09 at 10:01 AM.
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