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Old 26-12-09, 10:12 AM   #10
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Default Re: Oxford heated grips and symtec heated grips

Roght, I'm about to go and install the symtecs - I'll take lots of pictures as I go along. The oxford grips have already been removed

One thing worth noting is the symtecs done come with an inline fuse; I'm going to use the one from the oxford heated grips package, its a good precaution I think to have a fuse there.

The kit is quite simple and it looks like one has to do a bit more work than with the oxford grips to get it installed (removing the insulatiing sheath from some of the wire etc etc, nothing actually difficult, I can do it!).

The kit contains: two heating elements (clutch side and throttle side, labelled for your convinience!), a switch (you chose which one you want when you order), some spade-type connectors, some cable ties, and an amount of cable to tap it into the live electrical circuit. Each grip heating element has an earth wire qhich requires attachement to the frame, I'll take a picture of where I earthed the grips aswell.

More to follow

Last edited by Alpinestarhero; 26-12-09 at 08:33 PM.
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