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Old 11-06-10, 07:25 PM   #1
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Default rapid flashing indicators - yet again.


ive piecing back my old sv (curvy) to put back on the road and decided to do the indicators this afternoon,

as per the title they are flashing real fast - i presume that it cant pass the mot with such fast flashing signals, if it can then im not bothered.

all the lights work, the rear ones are cheap aftermarket ****e. the front two are an LED german make given to me by a boss at work ( altho i never heard of them they cost him £40 spankin new so i think their built well. right? )

didn't have this problem before when the bike was functional but it has been sitting for roughly 8-9 months.

any ideas? anyone?

the rear left is a little faulty ( needs a nudge/tap when i 1st wired it back up get it going as there must be a crap conection at the fitting but it flash well and true now)

will it just be a matter of the new LEDS needing less voltage? if so can it be fixed/ adjusted easily or should i just get another pair of crappy craps crap blinkers?

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