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Old 29-07-10, 07:20 PM   #5
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Default Re: Doing the rideout?

Col, i will be with at the back lol
If my wife decides to do the rideout i will be even slower than normal, with a pillion on the back of the sprint it is very heavy and it takes a lot of effort and distance to stop from speed without clair headbutting me in the back and crapping herself.
She, like me will wanna take in the views like i will.
Ill be keeping my distance as ill be riding with a lot of people i dont know yet so dont know how they ride, i dont want someone slamming their anchors on coming up to a corner and me being too close.
I suspect a good proportion of the ride will be slow anyway with that amount of bikes.
I must admit i did toy with the idea of not doing the rideout as my shoulder is giving me grief still, but ibuprofen will sort that hopefully.

Cant wait now, im excited
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