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Old 01-08-10, 07:55 PM   #115
N8te rider
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Default Re: newbies or those thinking of coming to AR but dont know anyone.

Originally Posted by plowsie View Post
To add to what the Quiffster said, if you're a young female worried about all these dirty old men being around you...I'll look after you

On a serious note...2007, a very well known man on this site offered to fit me a Scottoiler to my bike the weekend of the AR, more of a convincing to go...I'd never met anyone on this site and I was driving 100-150 miles up the M1 & M6 on my own to meet up with a bunch of bikers...I didn't know what to expect. The guy pushed me so much to come and told me I wouldn't regret going, he never turned up to the AR because of electrical problems and I never got my Scottoiler fitted, but, I had the best weekend of my life ever, covering the most miles I had ever on my bike (500+), learnt so much from various people, and it started many friendships with many people that still go strong today, I now have friends all over the country and I am very grateful to that one person for persuading me to go that year. That is the main reason why this years is very special to me.

Can you guess the person who convinced me was?
Like this post! Am less nervous about about meeting so many new faces now
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