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Old 13-09-10, 07:57 AM   #20
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Default Re: 1st time with Roxy at Rockingham - WOW!!!

Originally Posted by N8te rider View Post
My feet usually sit central on the pegs, not on my toes, and stick out on the ends. Will have to work on this also. They seem to always go there when Im concentrating on other things and forget my feet. I guess if my feet are tucked in and toes on the pegs I should be able to point my knee downward?
I (personally) think it makes it a bit easier to get your knee in the right position, yeah. It may be more psychological than anything, though. You might find it makes it easier to move around on the seat too, the way I see my feet are like pivot points I guess, when I want to move left or right I actually lift rather than slide myself, this is easier for me with my toes on the pegs.

If you've got your lines OK already (since that's usually the first thing to get right) then try taking a few mph off your pace and working on your body positioning. Hopefully it will give you more time to think what you're doing and try out different body position...

Originally Posted by LankyIanB View Post
Toes on the ends of the pegs wears out toe sliders BUT gives a warning that you're getting close to touching the pegs down. This isn't so much of an issue with hinged OEM pegs but is something to be careful of if you've got replacement pegs that don't hinge. It's also a hint that you're getting close to the edge of the tyre...
Yes, true - luckily I never did touch the pegs down (on this bike anyway ) - but I wouldn't fancy doing it with fixed pegs. However maybe fixed pegs, since they will be aftermarket, will be high enough that you can use the ends instead without worry.
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