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Old 02-11-10, 05:02 PM   #55
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Default Re: My new bike workshop

Originally Posted by specialone View Post
Col, its the size tbh not what you use to construct it with, anything in the garden, inc conservatory is classed as temporary or uninhabitable building.
Tiled roof is perfectly ok as long as its within the garden building sizes,
What Dan said on his is what solihull use for their guidelines more or less.

People you see knocking through into their conservatories and using them as kitchens or whatever are breaking planning laws, there MUST be exterior doors and windows seperating the house from a temporary building.
I'm going to have to re-learn all this stuff when I buy a house then.

Completely different in Scotland, a conservatory needs to meet building regs, have planning permission, have the electrics checked and passed, and be passed by building control and issued with a habitation certificate.

I was even supposed to build a disabled ramp up to the front door, because I had destroyed the original ramp to the back door (all new houses in Scotland have 32" doors), but the buildings inspector forgot to check it and I kept my mouth shut.

Had my garage been brick built, not pre-fab concrete, it would have needed planning permission too (which would have been rejected due to the size of the garage and the percentage of land it took up), a standard sized single garage would still have needed planning permission, but it would have been granted as quite a few neighbours had already done it.

Last edited by -Ralph-; 02-11-10 at 05:08 PM.
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