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Old 02-12-10, 03:52 PM   #1
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Default World Cup Bid 2018 & 2022

So shame England didn't win the bid. I would've loved to watch games in good ol' MK. For those who don't know:

2018 Bid - England, Netherland, Spain/Portugal, and Russia who won it

2022 Bid - S.Korea, Australia, Japan, USA, and Qatar who won it.

To be honest, I thought Spain/Portugal would take it, largely because they're World/Euro champs, and they can hold more fans with their stadiums than anyone else. Seems like FIFA went for the 'develop a country'* theme again, hence Russia. Russia don't have the infrastructure yet, but it will be interesting to see what they come up with.

Qatar won it, becuase USA had it in '94, Japan/S.Korea 2002, and Australia is just too far away for a world cup. Crud footy team, but I'm sure they'll splash out in a bigger style than Russia will.

*which is always a great thing and why not?

Last edited by thulfi; 02-12-10 at 03:55 PM.
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