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Old 08-01-11, 05:05 PM   #68
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Default Re: Not knowing anyone

Originally Posted by hongman View Post
I'd only just passed my test and still recovering from my first off the day I bought my bike (yeah...nuff of that) when I decided to attend AR10.

Rictus kindly came to my place to settle my worries the bike would be ok going that distance, and up til then he was the only person I had actually met from the org.

Travelled up with a few from round my area and though I was dead worried about not knowing anyone, getting left behind, all the usual stuff, everyone made me feel welcome and the ride was the best ride ever.

Personally I conquered some biking demons that weekend and had a thouroughly great time - it was so good to meet people (even with a born social phobia) and put faces to names. Also makes reading posts from people you've met completely different, it's like you see them in a totally different light!

One thing, if you get an offer for someone to take some kit there for you beforehand, take it! MrsEssexDave kindly took my things back for me and it made the ride back so much better (although a little scary as Stu rides like a missle on NOS)

Everyone is so friendly and so decent - going out of their way to help you even though they dont know you from adam.

Can't wait for AR11!
Hear hear 'twas my first AR last year too and never had a quiet moment (apart from sleep) from the moment I met up with Keith's lot en route to the moment I parted ways with the boys on the way home!

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