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Old 10-02-11, 01:17 PM   #126
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Default Re: Photography / Camera chat thread.

The maximum sync speed is a bit of a problem in very bright conditions where you want to mix natural light and flash. Typically you're up against three constraints:

1) You want a shallow depth of field to isolate your subject from the background. This means a wide open lens with lots of light coming in.

2) You need a fast shutter speed to control the amount of light that reaches the sensor from the wide open lens

3) You need a slower shutter speed to sync with the flash

Even with the ISO turned right down to 100 (least sensitivity) you might not be able to satisfy all three requirements.

Sometimes an ND8 filter can help. This is a plain grey filter that blocks 87% of the light reaching the camera, for both the flash and natural light. This will allow you to reduce the shutter speed by three stops, providing the flash is powerful enough.

Last edited by keith_d; 10-02-11 at 01:19 PM.
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