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Old 22-02-11, 02:38 PM   #8
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Default Re: Dodgy Driving Licences?

Originally Posted by andrewsmith View Post
They seem to do us often enough for speeding and the get a address you have to check a licence or plate
Have you had speeding fines from France and Italy come through the post then?

You don't have to check a license or plate, just a plate. If you're a foreign authority wanting to check a license, then you must somehow have those license details in your possession. In the case of speeding, you must have been stopped at the roadside, in which case they'll on-the-spot fine, or arrest you, not send the fine to your address. I don't think they'd try to check the validity of your license for speeding in a foreign country anyway.

As far as I was aware only Luxembourg and Switzerland were linked up with France in terms of the French authorities being able to issue a speeding ticket to a foreign number plate. Maybe more are linked up now I don't know. I've certainly set off more French speed cameras in my UK registered car than I can count.

Still, even if the French and Italians could check a license plate and send a speeding fine, that doesn't mean they can or would check the validity of a driving license from other parts of the world, that they were exchanging. Try to avoid posting stuff as fact when actually you have no info to back it up.

Last edited by -Ralph-; 22-02-11 at 02:45 PM.
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