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Old 05-07-11, 08:38 AM   #10
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Default Re: Taffia Meet - Wednesday 6th July

Originally Posted by Cymraeg_Atodeg View Post
where have all the "Taffia" gone?
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I'm still here, the problem for me at least is that my hours aren't what they used to be. Back when (and the old Taffia stuff wasn't that well subscribed either) I started work an hour later or finished an hour earlier and it wasn't so bad. Before that in my previous job it was an hour earlier/later further still, and I used to be able to do a lot more stuff in the evenings during the week. Hell, I used to run weekly Forza 2 AND Halo 3 nights on Xbox Live, 9pm. No chance of that now.

I've got no problem going out to do stuff but I'm not really keen on rideouts any more as I don't ride very fast (my guardian angel is slow) and don't want to spoil other folks' fun by either holding them up or making them/me feel guilty about the differing paces.
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