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Old 08-08-11, 07:56 AM   #62
Red Herring
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Default Re: Taken out at Cadwell :-(

I've been on both ends of such mistakes in the past and as everybody (most) have said these things do happen. Providing it is just a mistake then it is easily resolved with an apology and handshake afterwards. What I have found, especially more recently, is that track day organizers seem to be under more pressure to fill all their places so if they are oversubscribed in one group they move riders into another, sometimes over their ability, and then don't police them properly. It's fairly easy to spot these individuals yourself so after that I just tend to give them a wide berth, and if you're that bothered then speak to them or report them to the organizer yourself. I witnessed an idiot making several close passes at Mallory recently, (including one on me up the inside into Edwinas and then straight across the chicane) so I went and spoke to him afterwards. His attitude was "nah, nothing wrong there mate, it's racing in'it". I just tipped off the organizer and he got dealt with by them next session.

Incidentally on the R1 forum this chap is busy boasting about his lap times. Recording lap times is strictly against Track day organizer rules (it invalidates their insurance I believe) so if you really want to black flag him send his details, along with links to your various bits of evidence, to all the organizers he is likely to want to ride with. Chances are they won't want him around them either.
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