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Old 04-09-11, 04:24 AM   #26
Von Teese
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Default Re: What yould YOU do?

Yes things have changed a lot. When I got the news my father had not made it I hadnt even considered living in SA at all.

We visited him in 2008 and even then did not consider living here. Before that I had come over when my mother died in 2004 and things were VERY bad that time.

I always told people that I would never come back here, I never thought that the country could move on and repair itself but it seems to be getting there slowly.

Yes there are risks wherever you live and life is not perfect in any country, however I have experienced such a change this time.

SA is healing its wounds despite what is being said, apparently the world cup changed so much. I guess what I am trying to say that the way I am feeling now is that:

If I moved back here and got murdered after only 3 months then it would be worth it because in those 3 months I would have LIVED!

At the moment back home I have everything I could ever have wished for but it's a slog, I just cant keep up and there are not enough hours in a day for me to get everything done. I work so hard to keep what I have that I dont have time to enjoy it and its even worse for Mr VT as he has extra duties for things that I cannot buiding a stable for our new horse and putting in another water trough and re-felting the workshop roof etc.

I have also seen a lot of bikers over here and they love it, apparently you dont get hijacked from a large motorcycle because the offenders dont know how to ride them, they want cars if anything.

That's another thing that changed. Last time we were here you didnt stop at red traffic lights, this time we have noticed that no one runs the red lights anymore!

Last edited by Von Teese; 04-09-11 at 04:25 AM.
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