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Old 13-10-11, 07:46 AM   #67
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Default Re: slightly surprised........

Originally Posted by rictus01 View Post
I understand peoples reticence; suggestions of "taking a break" , quit frankly are far from helpful
So hypothetically speaking what would your suggestion be if nobody steps forward to organise next years ?

I agree with you that it is important to the forum. Its something I know alot of people look forward to attending, I also agree that sorting out dates earlier is better as it allows for planning and booking time off work etc etc.

My concern is that if nobody willingly volunteers for it, somebody feels pressured into doing something that perhaps they dont want to do and then they dont put their heart and soul into it or they have a bad experience with it, which is what I was getting at by suggesting that "IF" there is nobody to organise AR12 that there isnt one. It was a suggestion thats all. To clarify I am not saying that is what will happen, because its not down to me. All I and the other mods do is run the forum, its not our job to organise how a social event such as this is planned and run.

Perhaps time ( I include myself in this ) to draw a line under what has happened in the past and move forward in a positive way with this now.
Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.

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