Thread: Foreign jollies
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Old 20-02-12, 08:19 AM   #16
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Default Re: Foreign jollies

Originally Posted by ogden View Post
Chimay and Gedinne are both about three hours (tops) from Calais. You seem to finish work quite early, so could just head straight to Folkestone after work and be at the camp site before dark. Alternatively, and I've done this enough times, get the channel crossing out of the way in the evening, bunk down at a cheap hotel in Calais, and set off early in the morning.

We had one guy make up his mind at the last minute last year and do a one-night trip, leaving home around 6am on the Saturday and getting home about 6pm on the Sunday.

Gedinne is over a bank holiday weekend, so if you don't have the kids you could easily do one of the above and a more civilised return leg on the Monday.

In short, you don't have to use any holiday, it just makes it a slightly more relaxed trip if you can.

That's nice dear.
Okay so I'm interested in that. Give me dates.

Oh and the tapatalk ipad thing, it's Lisa's ipad, I have no idea how or why it puts that on the end and quite frankly, couldn't care either way.
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