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Old 29-03-12, 05:40 PM   #1
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Default Warning: Does contain Boobies.

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Do we have a U-Rating on this site or not?

From this thread, posted by a Mod, it appears not.

Is it something that can be disclaimed away whenever it is convenient?

To be honest, I watched it specifically and I didn't catch the bad language, so its not that I am offended by this, or have an issue with the OP.

We have a bad language filter on this site to stop us using these words - and yes, most people have, myself included, swapped letters around etc to dodge these, but the restriction is still there.

If I had posted an image taken of page 3 of The Sun with the same title as this thread, would the image have stayed on site?

I'm not looking to start a debate as to whether the U-Rating should stay or go, I am just looking for some consistency and a guide to what is considered U-Rated on this site.

Some Youtube video's have good content, yet bad language, so do we need a "sweary sub-forum" that has a standing "External Links May Consider Language That May Offend" notice on it, just as Idle Banter has the U-Rating? Still have the swear filter in place, still police postings in there where the content is Abusive to other forum members, but somewhere that people can choose to not go?
Sent from my PC NOT using any Tapatalk type rubbish!!

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