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Old 10-05-12, 09:56 PM   #273
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Madlanders Megathread

I take it the 20th July is the end of term Al? I'm pretty convinced her moods are school related too TBH, last week she had an SEN pupil turn her classroom upside down turning over tables, throwing chairs, books, etc, and once she'd evacuated the other kids from the classroom (for their own safety), he picked up a chair and threatened to throw it at her.

Still, school aside, as I just said to a mate by PM, there hasn't been a weekend bike trip, or my Portugal and Mexico trips, in the six years since I bought the SV, that she hasn't taken the huff for a week afterwards, then thrown it in my face in a bitching match (except those where she decided to come along, though she is pretty much invited along to them all). This is despite agreeing to and even encouraging the trip beforehand, but that's under false pretences obviously, and actually she doesn't want me to go. Until I get that sorted out I can't do any more bike weekends, it causes too much trouble.

Last edited by -Ralph-; 10-05-12 at 09:58 PM.
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