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Old 09-01-13, 09:19 PM   #2
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Default Re: UK risks 'turning inwards' over EU referendum - US officia

The US needs the UK to be in Europe.

The UK is closer in terms of what 'we' think to what they think than any of the other EU nations.

With us out of the EU they have a large economy/power coming to different conclusions to them regarding any number of issues. With us in there they at least have someone on the 'inside' arguing what they want (or at least something similar to what they are likely to want).

No we shouldn't take any notice of him. The UK should make decisions based on what is best for us, and not be influenced by a pretty crude attempt to change out thinking.

What he's said isn't very subtle or clever, and I'm suprised it's got quite so much coverage - maybe that's what works in US politics, or maybe the media want his 'warnings' to be heard to serve their own agenda.
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