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Old 08-04-13, 12:10 PM   #10
Posts: n/a
Default Re: 1999 SV650 Streefighter

Thanks for all the comments guys and questions about what need doing.

Bearing in mind I had this on the road for a few years and then off for about 3/4 - a general service would be key.

So at the time of writing.

- Front brake hose fitting and bleeding as Master cylinder was changed recently and I didn't re connect system.
- Front fork seals, I would do both as I have no idea when they were last done. So that would be new forl oil too.
- the speedo reading is on the blink and the fuel light I'm not sure works (I just used to fill up every three days - I think this is just the way I''ve wired it!)
- one screw missing from rear undertray, needs to be fitted.
- 'Airbox' covers. I have these in chrome ready to fit.
- chain adjusting
- Can't remember if I connected the front indicators after changing them.
- front downpipe needs a clean and polish

Thats about it.

Loads or little jobs but I just haven't had the time. Would cost much other than the fork seals, fork oil and cost of MOT to get back on the road. The main issue for me is time - and the lack of it!

But given the response I think I might just pull me finger out and have a late night or two to fix it up!!

But if you aren't scared of a little work then let me know!
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