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Old 29-05-13, 07:58 PM   #1
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Default Odometer not tallying miles vs km

I use fuelly to keep track of my fuel and my last fuel up in the UK was 23117 miles. When I changed over to km so the speedo was in km/h and noted my odo reading so I could up update it when I got back my first reading was 37144 km.

Now this converts to 23080 miles, or less that my previous fuel up.....

This isn't the first time I've noticed this - the same thing happened when I went to France last year. The worst thing at the moment is that it c0cks fuelly up with the first fuel on a foreign trip having a very low MPG and the last giving a very high MPG.

My concern is that there may be something more to it. If the odo doesn't match is the speedo conversion also out? Could this be a sign of a changed clock or something?

Any ideas?
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