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Old 04-10-13, 06:26 AM   #43
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Default Re: Strangest injuries

Been thinking back and remembered a few more...

About 10 years of age I knelt down on the floor in the diner part of the kitchen to read the paper, felt a sharp pain on my right foot, a massive shard of glass sticking in my foot, my sis had dropped an alpine (local fizzy pop company) pop bottle and it smashed, she obviously missed that bit, 5 proper stitches.

Not long after I went to the newly opened chelmsley wood swimming baths on the evening, the ladders under water had sharp corners and I whacked the same foot as above on the ladders and so there was a big spill of claret in the pool, baths closed, another 5 stitches only about 10mm away from other ones.

Playing Sunday football I was running down right wing and it had started snowing earlier so pitch was getting a covering, slipped after jumping a tackle and landed in the deck, got up and left hand felt weird, looked down at it and my wedding ring finger was at 90 degrees to my hand, it started hurting now so I was rocking it back and forth and relocated it, it immediately swole up and pushed the surrounding fingers away.
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