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Old 04-10-13, 08:22 AM   #46
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Strangest injuries

I've had a couple.

Was playing with a big glass bottle and a can of deodorant. I sprayed a little too much into the bottle before setting fire to it. Massive fireball took all the hair of both my hands. My right hand is still (12 years on) considerably less hairy then my left, and less hairy then before.

Once playing football as school (you know they type of game, one of about 6 played on the same pitch all in various directions.) i went to kick our ball and got my foot caught in someone else's jacket pocket as he ran the other way. I went flying and landed badly on my wrist spraining it badly.

I once made the mistake of following the world number 67 down a downhill course. He made the double look easy so in the split second I had to decide I though "Yeah, I can do that". I couldn't. front wheel landed head on on the reverse of the down ramp,, somersaulted with my feet still clipped in so landed on my head and shoulder. Everyone came running over and told me not to get up I was in shock, had gone white as a sheet and to let whatever was gonna start hurting to start hurting. After a couple of minutes I said I was fine, honestly so got up. Tried moving my arms. Left one was fine, right one wouldn't lift up past about 45 degrees away from my body, it just went kinda limp. I had a look and sure enough there was a massive lump and my collar bone was in so many pieces at odd angles I still do not know how it did not puncture the skin. I told my mates "Er, Guys I've broken my collar bone" but they didn't believe me until I showed them the pointy out bits. I really did not hurt until I went to bed that might and I didn't see something on my bed, lay back and it pushed the shoulder moving all the bits round. That was the most pain I've ever had.
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