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Old 04-10-13, 10:16 AM   #48
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Default Re: Strangest injuries

You guys are freaks.

I've only got 3 injuries of note and an embarrassing one that Amedus just reminded me of. As a kid at some point I had a plastic breaker (I assume I'd finished a drink) I placed the rim around my mouth and sucked really hard so it stuck to my face. I didn't realize I was simultaneously giving my self a hicky all around my mouth and chin. I remember it lasted a while and looked hideous.

The 3 of note are in order of appearance:
Scar on my right knee, doing this exact jump:
We'd done it several times during our DownHill Holiday what you can apprechiate from this angle is its not very far forward but its really far down and blind at take off. I'd waited for a guy to pass before setting off into it (and I assumed clear the 2nd berm) He hadnt instead he'd parked up for a breather... right on my line. Saw him just after V1 and narrowly missed hitting him as I cleared him but I had no run out left. Hit the ground HARD on my knee and face. 3 deep scars in my knee (which been a **** I didnt get looked at and later became infected). My face survived but my helmet certainly didnt I snapped the jaw piece clean off. Felt like a lucky escape tbh.

No2. The scar on my shoulder, its not as obvious as my others but probably the most spectacular. Before football I met with a friend who had a 125 and wanted me to have a look at it as since he dropped it it had begun accelerating during RH turns. Yes I was only wearing a football kit and hoodie, the first couple of times I did a little loop of the retail park and it was manageable. 3rd time not so much, I entered a long right hander far too fast lent in and it got quicker and quicker... bugger!
Thought I'd made it out of the corner but ran out of road popped onto the kerb smashed through a birdmouth fence and wedge the bike in a thick bunch of bushes. The bike stopped quite quick, me not so much. Over the bars I went in a head of heals fashion which I vividly remember seeing "sky/tarmac/sky/tarmac..." I landed on the top of my helmet and rolled out on to my back/shoulder before coming to stop wrapped around a parking barrier.
No brakes or tares but my hoodie was more like an apron and the helmet was done, unfortunately so was my shoulder. Through the skin and down to white it was stomach turning for those who looked at it, I had the sports ground people patch it up and I played the game before going to hospital so once again be told I was a tool for not coming right away.

3rd is short and sweet, I got cut up by a taxi whilst riding my DT125. When he stopped at the lights up ahead I was raging so approached his window, oddly he didn't want to put the window down to chat. So I used my knuckles to open the window permanently and said my piece before riding off. Guess what... I again tried to fix myself before going to A&E to no avail, I needed quite a few stitches then too.
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