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Old 04-10-13, 01:38 PM   #49
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Default Re: Strangest injuries

From playing Ice-Hockey:

Skating towards another player aiming to hit him and send him flying, unfortunately he had released the puck and therefore I was no longer (rules) to batter into him, I stood up out of a crouched position and relaxed, eyes following the puck and didn't realise a team mate had had the exact same idea as me, just from the opposite directiom. Unfortunately we collided mid-ice face to face. Took a mighty hit, and both of us sprawled out on the ice. Thought nothing of it, until practise a few days later, wound up for a slapshot, hit the puck with all my might and BANG! I got the biggest blackest mind-numbing headache!!! Had to spend the next 2 weeks in bed with curtains shut and a pillow over my face to block out all light. Turns out i had a minor brain injury and still suffer to this day (15 years later) with headaches in a particular spot on my head, quite often brought on by laughing !!!!

Ice Hockey is a dangerous sport
"You know, Scotland has its own martial arts. Yeah, it's called Fuk-U. It's mostly just head butting and then kicking people when they're on the ground"
The Stoppy King
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