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Old 14-01-14, 11:46 PM   #9
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Newcastle
Posts: 872
Default Re: Commuting on an SV?

Sorry, but I may be the only one to say there are better machines for it. I found my SV was a great bike but not for a slow 20 mile each way commute. I found the seat a bit of a pain, my wrists ached and I had a small back pain. But I'm getting old I chopped mine in for a CB500X for a better riding position for a slower ride. I love SV's, had three of em for fun but can't get on with it for the day in and day out. The X has an 8000 mile service interval and 60 odd mile to the gallon. Hats off for getting 60 to 70 out of an SV, that's impressive, I managed 45 to 50. Great bikes though, loads of fun.
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