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Old 17-04-14, 09:59 PM   #35
Mrs DJ Fridge
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Road Rage - Do you?

I did get close to road rage yesterday, I was driving the lorry on a roundabout as I went past the exit before mine I started to indicate left at which point this stupid woman put her foot down and pulled out in front of me then sat in the left hand lane so that I could not pull over. Please note it was a large roundabout with big islands on each exit so there is time (in a lorry) to indicate as you go past the off and they can see your indicators before pulling out in front of you. I had livestock on board so no sudden moves remember, when I blew my horn at her the stupid cow blocked my lane and mouthed obscenities at me, end result roundabout brought to a halt whilst we all wait for her to extract herself from the position she had put herself into. Not scary like Jayne's experience but very annoying because she was just being rude because I was driving a lorry.
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