Thread: Halal meat
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Old 08-05-14, 09:58 PM   #37
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Default Re: Halal meat

Originally Posted by MisterTommyH View Post
Modern practice is therefore a watered down version of the passages you are quoting, which I'm sure are correct in a purely academic sense. So I still can't see why in a modern sense the prayer being said over the slaughter should offend a modern practicing christian, unless there was some other form of prejudice behind it.

In any case, I seem to have made my point badly, so I'm out.
I think you're confusing the organisations with the practitioners, the organisations can say what they like but they don't actually have biblical standing, the individual Christians are the ones that have to make up their minds.

Essentially I can't definitively say its bad, and from what I've read neither can the bible but I certainly believe its significant enough to warrant labelling and the decision being in the hands of individuals whatever their beliefs.

Last edited by Spank86; 08-05-14 at 10:03 PM.
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