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Old 01-09-14, 05:04 PM   #205
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Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Littlepeahead View Post
A bowl, that is a splendid idea, that way I'd have actually been able to find my keys, maybe my glasses and my mobile phone too.

So another gripe is why every time I go camping all my possessions vanish - I spent a good 20 minutes on Friday night at 1am crawling around by torchlight looking for my mobile, turning out 2 rucksacks, a sleeping bag, duvet, clothing, airbeds, bags of logs, leathers, then doing it all over again, then going round the outside of my tent convinced I must have dropped it then giving up, getting into bed and finally find it wedged in between my two inflatable mattresses. Aaaagggghhhhh!

Then I lost my keys the next day.

And Brock was folding my tent up when he found my glasses hooked onto one of the inner zippers.

I realise this is all my own fault but there is something about camping that turns me into a disorganised mess which I am not usually.

I need to get myself a massive winnebago like Red Herring.
Lets just face it LPH you were drunk
We're riding out tonight to case the promised land
Make everyday count
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