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Old 09-09-14, 07:37 AM   #104
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Default Re: Bereaved family releases shocking video

Originally Posted by thulfi View Post
which means we all pass cars at a point of no return, ie we couldn't stop or swerve even if we wanted to should they pull out in front at the last second for whatever reason
Like Dipper said earlier, I wouldn't be riding if I didn't believe 99.9% of these situations were avoidable.

There's two points of no return, one where you can't stop, another where you can't swerve. If your that close and a car starts to move, your close enough to crack open the throttle and get through the gap before they do. Unless they have a sporty car and they are trying to practice their drag starts, or it's another motorbike. And that's just the 0.1% of freak accidents that you can't avoid. We all know by how quickly we leave cars standing at traffic lights how long it takes cars to get moving from a standstill, due to their weight and inertia.

There's all kind of signals that a car is about to move, like the drivers hand coming up to the steering wheel, the front wheel starts to turn, or if you can see them from your angle, the brake lights going off.

That unavoidable 0.1% (or whatever the percentage may be), you can't worry about that because you could have an accident in a car, at work, doing dangerous sports, or get hit by a drunk driver while walking down the pavement.

You just have to do your very best to avoid the other 99.9%

It's not about being a hero and say we wouldn't get into that situation. It's about helping new riders like ManMango understand what they can do to mitigate the risk and keep themselves alive.
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