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Old 10-12-14, 12:40 PM   #4
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Default Re: ADSL through powerline homeplug

Originally Posted by DarrenSV650S View Post
Is it possible to take the Internet cable from an ADSL filter straight in to an Ethernet homeplug with some sort of plug adaptor? Then have the ADSL router on the other homeplug.
It might.

It's not what it's designed for but if you were to get a cable that switches RJ14-RJ45 and another back the other way there's a possibility it would work.

I wouldn't hold your breath though, Ethernet allows packets of data to arrive at different times and be reassembled in the correct order, the ADSL signal has to arrive in synch with the far end so it would likely cause problems, Amadeus' solution is a far better one (although the way he's phrased it sounds overly complicated).

If you have power by your phone line simply take an ethernet cable out of the modem and into the homeplug then another one out of the far end and into a switch/hub/router (whatever you want to call it) and then off to your devices.

Originally Posted by DarrenSV650S View Post
It is to avoid having two routers if possible
Routers take very little power to run (the BT hub about £11-15 a year) and are designed to work in this way.

Last edited by Spank86; 10-12-14 at 12:41 PM.
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