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Old 17-12-14, 08:52 PM   #14
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Default Re: Taliban kill children in Pakistan

I wonder when the terms 'Islamic extremism' or 'Islamic fundamentalism' will be substituted with a slightly more applicable term. Many would be deluded into thinking that the aim of these groups is religious, and that their aim is to convert the whole world to Islam.

Well it is evident by the massacre in Pakistan as well as the ongoing crimes by ISIS in the region that this has nothing to do with religion. The biggest victims to so-called 'Islamic fundamentalism' are Muslims. How does one make sense of that? The 'they hate freedom and our way of life' is a convenient post 9/11 way of labelling these terrorist groups actions. It is much more complex than that, and certainly has nothing to do with spreading a religion around the globe or bringing sharia law to your doorstep.

Which religion, even in it's most extreme form would justify the murder of innocent children of it's own religion (never mind the others)? If it doesn't make sense, it probably isn't true. As specialone commented in his post, he's struggling to understand their objectives when they carry out an atrocity such as this. Well it's because they aren't trying to spread a religion around the world. They are seeking power and wealth. It's the same reason humans have been killing humans since the dawn of time.

And in other news, the source and funding of most these groups (particularly ISIS); Saudi Arabia, one of the West's closest allies. Oil talks I suppose.

Last edited by thulfi; 17-12-14 at 08:54 PM.
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