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Old 18-05-15, 06:12 PM   #34
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Default Re: You can't get rid of me that easily

I have a working knowledge of ECGs, but I'm not a cardiac technician. Those blood pressure figures are pretty high. If it was me I'd get checked out by my GP and ask for a referral to my local Cardiac Unit. There are many reasons for high blood pressure, one could be that the major vessels leading from the heart have lost there flexibility through old age or alcohol. This means that the heart has to create and maintain a higher pressure just to force the blood to the peripheries of your body. There could be many other reasons. Over a prolonged period of time damage will occur to the heart, thickening of the heart muscle structure, aneurysms in the coronary or cerebral arteries (leading to ruptures). Speak to your Doctor. The thing is though, one reading doesn't necessarily mean someone has high blood pressure, readings would need to be taken over a period of time. Most of our Doctors reckon that a consistent reading over 140/90 is high.

I hope I've helped, with my limited knowledge. The bottom line is if you are worried speak to your GP, and if necessary get a referral.

Best wishes Dizzy

Last edited by scotty217; 18-05-15 at 06:23 PM.
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