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Old 15-12-15, 08:11 PM   #341
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Default Re: Vintage film cameras

Are you home yet? Looks like your baggage is going to weight a bit more!

I finally finished the test roll in my Contessamat and had it done at Asda today. It is all working fine, need to scan a couple to show you. Focus is almost exact, I seem to have set both this and my Contessa to about 1.45m instead of 1.50m when doing it, I think the focus screen I'm using must catch the light everso slightly behind the front surface. Unless you're shooting wide open (which is f/2.8 ) at very close range though you can't tell, and if you were you wouldn't expect much to be sharp because of the shallow DoF. Anyhoo am pretty pleased as fixing it was a bit of a job.

Anyway the other bit of info is that I'm really surprised how poor the pictures are from Asda compared to Peak imaging. You'll see when I post them, but the colours are much richer, and the prints are noticeably sharper, really surprising how good Poundland film looked. I've had another roll recently done at Asda and it was equally disappointing. Asda is a fiver for 24 exposures done in an hour (I think it's £4 for overnight) whereas Peak are nearly £7 plus £3.25 P&P (flat charge for all orders) so not good value to do them one at a time, but you certainly get what you pay for.
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